Ideas for a console-based python application which can implement some machine learning [closed]

I wondered if anyone would be able to help me with some idea’s for a relatively simple console-based python application which implements some basic use of machine learning techniques/technology.

Just to give some background, I just want some help with idea’s to choose from for a future assignment, I’m currently enrolled in an apprenticeship and would have no issue usually creating an idea for a python application, but my assignment specifically asks that it must be relevant to my current role (MLEG), which the issue is I am very new to ML as a whole, So I’ve found it quite hard trying to think of an idea that isn’t completely out the scope of my capabilities and would appreciate any little input people have 🙂

Just some basic ideas from which I can research, preferably something that would also allow me to develop my understanding and skills in ML

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  • just use scikit-learn library to implement a classifier (like a Support Vector Machine) for the Iris dataset Thats one of the most basic things you can do in machine learning. In scikit-learn main page you can find a ton of examples and documentation for classification, regression, clustering, data preprocessing….


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