I am going to research using Comparison of mean method.

My template for forming the question is :”Is there a difference i the mean of [dependent Interval Variable or Dependent Ordinal Variable] between [independent Nominal Variable] and [Independent nominal Variable]”

The question I formed:
Is there a difference in the mean of the ‘Total_income’ between approved credit card applicants and rejected credit card applicants?”

Is the total income the dependent variable? and the credit card approval status the independent variable?

Is my question correct according to the template and please help me find the independent and dependent variable.

The question I formed:
Is there a difference in the mean of the ‘Total_income’ between approved credit card applicants and rejected credit card applicants?”

Is the total income the dependent variable? and the credit card approval status the independent variable?

Is my question correct according to the template and please help me find the independent and dependent variable.

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