Why is this recursive function showing stuck cursor. Is it caused by infinite loops. If so how? [closed]

n= int(input("gff"))

def geometricsum(n):
    global y

    while n>0:


I’ve tried to print geometric sum which take n as the input to find the geometric sum of n numbers.
In which the function does. If n is 2 the function calculates 1/1**2 + 1/2**2 ....

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    while n>0 – Nothing in this loop ever modifies n, so by what logic would this loop ever end?


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    I think you meant to use if, not while. But there are probably other mistakes as well.


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    Even using if, geometricsum never returns anything.


  • 2

    It’s usually a bad idea to use global variables in a recursive function. Make y a parameter and return it.


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    “If so how”: this is a question you can answer yourself. Use a debugger, set breakpoints and step through the code inspecting variables.


You appear to have most of the parts and pieces but you’re not necessarily applying them in the correct order. Two pieces you’re missing are an explicit return statement and a tighter limit on the range of numbers this function can accept:

def geometricsum(n):
    if n < 1:
        raise ValueError('domain error')

    y = 1 / n**2

    if n > 1:
        y += geometricsum(n - 1)

    return y

natural_number = int(input("gff: "))


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