I don’t want players to be able to click a button twice, so I’m trying to set the ‘interactable’ property of buttons to false when a player clicks on them. I don’t want to individually define button objects for all the buttons because I’ll have a varying number of buttons in different scenes, which would be inefficient. How can I set the ‘interactable’ property to false when a player clicks it (without individually defining each button) ?
public string password = "1234" ;
public GameObject circle;
public int circleCounter;
public int correctCounter;
public void Update()
public void circleSpawner()
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && circleCounter < password.Length)
Vector3 mousePosition = Input.mousePosition;
mousePosition.z = 10;
GameObject newObject = Instantiate(circle, mousePosition, Quaternion.identity,transform);
public void correctPasswordClick()
if (correctCounter == password.Length)
Debug.Log("correct password");
I hope that I’ve understood your problem correctly; But in order to get every object of a certain type in Unity at the current scene, you may use FindObjectsOfType<T>()
and then you can simply iterate over the returned objects using Linq or simple loops to manipulate them as you want.
if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0) && circleCounter < password.Length)
(button => button.interactable = false);
// rest of your code
Assuming you have a class, that is attached to the same GameObject as the Button component, then you could grab your Button with:
var button = GetComponent<Button>();
in Start or Awake and store it, and then in the click method do:
button.isInteractable = false;
Hope this helps.
Can you share your entire class? Do you derive from button and which method is called when the button is clicked???