I am trying to create a container in my testdatabase (Azure cosomosdb) with the following parameters. using python.However i am get the below error and failing to create the container. Would you please help to correct me if i am doing something wrong.
location_container_name = "locations"
container = database.create_container(
id=location_container_name, partition_key=PartitionKey(path=["/state", "/city", "/zipcode"], kind="MultiHash")
except exceptions.CosmosResourceExistsError:
container = database.get_container_client(container_name)
Error details:-
azure.cosmos.exceptions.CosmosHttpResponseError: (BadRequest) The specified document collection is invalid.
ActivityId: b0e78b5f-abe8-479e-9005-606370644a78, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/2.14.0
Code: BadRequest
Message: The specified document collection is invalid.
ActivityId: b0e78b5f-abe8-479e-9005-606370644a78, Microsoft.Azure.Documents.Common/2.14.0
expecting the output as below:-
I need the container with the name “locations” and with the path as below.
id /state /city /zipcode
item1 WA Redmond 98052