html2pdf() javascript in laravel total graph without overflow x-y

Hello to the whole community,
I’m using html2pdf javascript to extrapolate graphs created in Laravel, but the problem is that on a graph that’s too large I had to set x-y overflow for the scroll, now the half graph comes out in the PDF.
How can I solve to have everything in the PDF?
This is the graph and the code
thank you so much community..

enter image description here

    $('#btn-one').click(function() {
        let div = document.querySelector(".tutto");
        var opt = {
            margin: [0, 8, 0, 0],
            pagebreak: { mode: 'avoid-all' }

enter image description here

  • “This is the graph” – can’t tell from just a screenshot, what this actually is. Is the whole thing one image? Or is this actually HTML content?


  • yes this is the graph.. if you want, post the html too! basically in the app there is x y overflow to scroll down and to the left and if I want to save the PDF it doesn’t remove the overflow it stays like this. I would like to see all the results in the PDF instead


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    I asked what it is made of, because with an image you could have simply limited the max-width to 100%. But if it is HTML, then you will either have to find a way to scale this down so that it will all fit without a scrollbar being necessary – or find a different way of displaying this in your PDF altogether.


  • Yes, you’re right, do you happen to have any ideas?


  • 1

    Or maybe actually allow the content to break into multiple lines. What you got there isn’t much of an actual “graph” to begin with, rather just a list of properties with a yes/no indicator … Viewers should still be able to interpret this correctly, if you allowed the content under “Maggazino Scaffalle A A1” to display in two or more lines, I suppose …?


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