Here my concrete problem but the question is more generic: I’m creating a VM through a Terraform file with a certain cloud-init template.
resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "VM" {
user_data = file('cloud-init')
Now , I’d like to re-use a cloud-init file that is external to the repository, let’s say at https://site/cloud-init
user_data = fromUrl('https://server/cloud-init') #something like this
Is there a generic simple way to retrieve a file from an URL and uses it’s contents?
Googling got me nowhere and I feel like the problem is generic enough.
I’d want to avoid having to ‘curl it’ myself.
To get the file from a URL, you may use the http
data "http" "my_file" {
url = var.my_file_url
request_headers = {
"Authorization" = "Bearer TOKEN" # (if you need it)
Then, you can do whatever you want with the data you get. For example, if your data is a JSON that you need to use as a Terraform object:
locals {
What type of file is it, zip, JSON, text?
Use the http data source?…