I am (trying) learning to program Python, so my question probably is very basic. But at this moment a challenge for me..As a learning case I want to create a user interface for a chatbot. But I do not only want to put text in the scrollable userinterface, but also (interactive) buttons.
I learned that I need to use a canvas to make buttons scrollable. This basic mechanism works. My question is how to add text in the scrollable canvas at the end. Using a frame the text can be added using…but how do I position text after I have “inserted” the buttons on the canvas ?
I have tried to get the y position but that seems to give a fixed position.
The position of the text should also work if the “canvas” starts scrolling.
my code sofar:
import tkinter
from tkinter import *
wrapper1 = LabelFrame(win)
mycanvas = Canvas(wrapper1)
mycanvas.pack(side=LEFT, fill="both" , expand="yes")
yscrollbar = Scrollbar(wrapper1, orient="vertical", command=mycanvas.yview)
yscrollbar.pack(side=RIGHT, fill="y")
mycanvas.bind('<Configure>', lambda e: mycanvas.configure(scrollregion=mycanvas.bbox('all')))
myFrame = Frame(mycanvas)
mycanvas.create_window((0,0), window=myFrame, anchor="nw")
wrapper1.pack(fill="both", expand="yes", padx=10 , pady=10)
Button1 = Button( myFrame , text="Button 1")
widgety = Button1.winfo_rooty()
Button2 = Button( myFrame , text ="Button 2")
widgety = Button2.winfo_rooty()
mycanvas.create_text(5,340, text="test",anchor=SW)
win.title("testing screen")
I have tried create_text method but that requires a fixed position. I have tried to get the y position dynamicaly ….
Can you clarify your question? What do you mean by “The position of the text should also work if the “canvas” starts scrolling”?
Apologies for being unclear. I mean that in the chatbot the conversation will not be limited to the 2 buttons in my example. But the amount of lines of text and/or buttons will increase. And than the latest text should still be added to the end..hope this make it more clear
Is the use of Label also applicable of the text is longer (as it is the conversation text in a chatbot) ?