I’m working on a schoolproject that requires a registration and login page built with Flask. I also want to store the user data in a MySQL database managed by MySQL Workbench. While I understand the basics of Flask, I’m struggling to set up the integration with MySQL.
Here’s what I’ve tried:
Set up a Flask app with basic routes.
Installed the necessary packages like Flask-MySQL.
Tried connecting to the database but faced issues.
Tried to use chatgpt but no luck.
Can someone guide me through the process or provide code examples on how to:
Set up the database connection correctly.
Create the necessary tables for user data.
Implement the registration and login logic using Flask.
I’m genuinely curious — why do so many Stack Overflow posts say their database is managed by MySQL Workbench? MySQL Workbench is only a client. It doesn’t store any data. It’s like saying you’re viewing a web site in Chrome. Chrome doesn’t host the web site, it’s just a client. Where did this common mistake in terminology come from? Are you reading it somewhere?
Hi Bill, You’re absolutely right, and I appreciate the clarification. I think the confusion might stem from beginners (like me) associating MySQL Workbench with the entirety of the MySQL process since it’s the interface we primarily interact with. I meant to say that I’m using MySQL as my database system, and I use MySQL Workbench as a client to manage it. Thank you for pointing it out, and I’ll be more careful with the terminology in the future.
@BillKarwin By the way, I’m a first-year CS major student at the University of Amsterdam, and I’m eager to learn. If you have any resources, book recommendations, or if you could guide me further on this topic, I would greatly appreciate it. Your expertise would be invaluable for someone like me at this stage in my academic journey.
Thanks for asking! I am the author of this book: SQL Antipatterns, Volume 1 Avoiding the Pitfalls of Database Programming, which includes several code examples of using Python and Flask with MySQL. My book is not a tutorial, so it should be used to supplement beginner tutorials. I learned Flask simply by reading online tutorials. Here’s an example: digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/…
I have to suggest, however, that Stack Overflow is not the best place to get broad questions answered. This site really wants questions to be about a specific code problem you’re having. You should read stackoverflow.com/help/on-topic and other pages in the Help Center, and keep them in mind. You’ll have a better experience on this site if you do that.