Insert variable inside img src link in html

So I’m making simple crypto Flask web.
I’m trying to display some crypto prices with their icons in live ticker

I have done almost everything but problem comes when I try to upload icons of crypto

Thats my def where I get data from api

def liveTicker():
    url = f''
    data = requests.get(url).json()
    return data['data']

Later I pass it to my html page with render_template, and in html I make a loop to get symbol and price so I can display.

But I don’t know how can I update my img src so I can pass {{ item[‘symbol’].lower() }} inside it replacing “btc” value with all the symbols I get from that api.

>                 <div class="liveticker">
>                     <ul>
>                         {% for item in result %}
>                             <li><img src ="[email protected]"></a>{{ item['symbol'] }} {{ item['priceUsd'] | float | round(2) }}</li>
>                         {% endfor %}
>                     </ul>
>                 </div>

Any help would be appreciated

Depending on the contents of data["symbol"] (wether it contains the whole URL or only the symbol name), you can only pass the URL of data["symbol"] or prefix it with the domain and path:

<div class="liveticker">
        {% for item in result %}
            <li><img src ="{{ item['symbol'] }}"></a> {{ item['priceUsd'] | float | round(2) }}</li>
        {% endfor %}


<div class="liveticker">
        {% for item in result %}
            <li><img src ="{{ item['symbol'] }}"></a> {{ item['priceUsd'] | float | round(2) }}</li>
        {% endfor %}

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