Lake Formation sharing with external account – error when querying with athena in target account

I have two accounts, the source account (A) and the target account (B)

I have granted account (B) access to a database in account (A) via lakeformation.

In account B I accepted the resource share and can see the database and table populated in the lake formation console.

In account B I have created a resource link and granted access to my user with permissions (SUPER)

In account B when I try to query the table within the database resource link I get the following error Access Denied (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 403; Error Code: AccessDenied; Request ID: ##########; S3 Extended Request ID: ########; Proxy: null), S3 Extended Request ID: ########### (Bucket: {Bucket in account A that holds shared database and tables}, Key: {path to shared table})
This query ran against the "{resource link database}" database, unless qualified by the query. Please post the error message on our forum  or contact customer support  with Query Id: ##############

My account is a lake formation admin with administrator access.

The data catalogue settings in account A & B are;

Use only IAM access control for new databases: OFF
Use only IAM access control for new tables in new databases: OFF
Version 4

The error is showing some access denied on my S3 resource in Account A that is shared, but I do not understand how this error can come up with the above settings?

Any help is appreciated.

I have tried changing the settings – changing location of the shared table – changing the accesses on the databases for my user.

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