fitting multiple distributions using fitdist, how to obtain AIC? [closed]

I found a wonderful post describing how to use fitdistrplus and aggregate to fit multiple distributions in the same data set (unfortunately I cannot find it now to credit it!). My code works how I want it to, but I would like to add more information into the output, including the AIC of the original distribution and some other fitted distributions to I can easily tell which distribution to use to represent the data.

This is my current code:


Achieving the following output:

enter image description here

I tried doing AIC by itself:


but only got NULL in the output column. How can I add AIC to the output above as well as other distributions (i.e., lognormal and the AIC for that)?
Thank you!

  • According to the documentation, the AIC list element in the output is called aic not AIC


  • The returned element is aic (lower case) not AIC. So, fitdist(X, distr="norm")$aic should work.


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