I am trying to create a script on Github Actions that lint, build, test and deploy our Swift Package. In order to deploy it, I need to create a new release tag when a PR is finished.
I was able to lint, build and test, but I am not finding any script or tutorial that shows how to create the new release branch/tag.
- name: Build
run: |
cd GitHubActions
xcodebuild build -project GitHubActions.xcodeproj -scheme GitHubActions clean build -sdk iphoneos CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=No
- name: Run tests
run: |
cd GitHubActions
xcodebuild test -project GitHubActions.xcodeproj -scheme GitHubActions clean build -sdk iphoneos -destination "platform=iOS Simulator,OS=16.1,name=iPhone 14 Pro Max" CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED=No