Use of CAS signal in 8259A PIC Cascading

As far as I understand, the 8259A Cascading works in the following procedures:

  • slave 8259A raises a interrupt to master 8259A (e.g. through IR0)
  • processor ‘calls’ INTA pin on master 8259A
  • master set the INT pin high to notify the processor of an interrupt and that the interrupt is from a slave 8259A
  • the processor read slave 8259A’s IO port to get the interrupt vector

My question is that since the processor can directly read/write the slave’s I/O port, and none of the other 8259As will do read/write because their CS (chip select) is not activated (address on bus do not match their I/O ports), then why CAS signal between the master and the slaves is necessary? i.e. Each slaves can ‘know’ if they are communicating with the processor without reading CAS signal.


8259A casecade

description from the datasheet:

CASCADE LINES:The CAS lines form a private 8259A bus to control a multiple 8259A structure. These pins are outputs for a master 8259Aand inputs for a slave 8259A

I’m not sure if there’s something wrong with my understanding, and this problem has troubled me for a long time.

Thanks in advance for any help.

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