How do I exclude resources from keycloak policy enforcer in quarkus?

I’m working on quarkus 3.3.2, using a keycloak bearer token to connect to some apis. Here’s my configuration:

# keycloak
# OIDC Configuration

In order to use AuthzClient, the property quarkus.keycloak.policy-enforcer.enable is set to true:


This works so far, but the quarkus application itself also supplies some public resources (like health check etc.), which should not be protected by keycloak. But by requesting these resources, I always get errors like this:

2023-09-25 16:31:02,956 ERROR [org.key.ada.aut.PolicyEnforcer] (vert.x-worker-thread-1) Could not lazy load resource with path [/css/enunciate.css] from server: org.keycloak.authorization.client.AuthorizationDeniedException: org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.HttpResponseException: Unexpected response from server: 403 / Forbidden / Response from server: {"error":"invalid_clientId","error_description":"Client application [my-client] is not registered as a resource server."}
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.Throwables.handleAndWrapHttpResponseException(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.Throwables.handleWrapException(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.Throwables.retryAndWrapExceptionIfNecessary(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource.find(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource.findByMatchingUri(
    at org.keycloak.adapters.authorization.PathConfigMatcher.matches(
Caused by: org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.HttpResponseException: Unexpected response from server: 403 / Forbidden / Response from server: {"error":"invalid_clientId","error_description":"Client application [my-client] is not registered as a resource server."}
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.HttpMethod.execute(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.HttpMethodResponse$3.execute(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource$
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource$
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource.find(
    ... 19 more

This is, what I mainly tried to omit these errors, following the advice on


But it doesn’t have any impact.

I then tried it with explicitly enforcing the resource which needs authentication:


This led to:

2023-09-25 16:37:31,775 ERROR [] (Quarkus Main Thread) Failed to start application (with profile [dev]): java.lang.RuntimeException: Failed to start quarkus
    at io.quarkus.runner.ApplicationImpl.doStart(Unknown Source)
Caused by: org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.HttpResponseException: Unexpected response from server: 403 / Forbidden / Response from server: {"error":"invalid_clientId","error_description":"Client application [my-client] is not registered as a resource server."}
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.HttpMethod.execute(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.util.HttpMethodResponse$3.execute(
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource$
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource$
    at org.keycloak.authorization.client.resource.ProtectedResource.find(
    ... 23 more

It seems, as if the keycloak policy enforcer regards every resource as a client resource to by enforced.
So how can I exclude them to be considered as resources of the keycloak client and to be lazy loaded by the keycloak policy enforcer?

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