How to remove all lines after a line that contains a specific string in Bash?

I want to remove all lines after a line which contains the string “Date:” in it. Specifically, I am writing the results of git show --name-only to a logging file, but I do not want to log the data after the string that starts with “Date:”

This is the output of git show --name-only:

commit <commit-hash> (HEAD -> <branch-name>, origin/<branch-name>)
Author: bitbucket-pipelines <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Sep 18 18:26:04 2023 +0000

    [skip ci] Commit message


And this is what I want to output:

commit <commit-hash> (HEAD -> <branch-name>, origin/<branch-name>)
Author: bitbucket-pipelines <[email protected]>
Date:   Mon Sep 18 18:26:04 2023 +0000

I tried to remove lines using specific line numbers and writing to a file and then parsing it there, but I am looking for a solution where I can get the output directly as I want it without any extra steps

  • 2

    There’s lots of ways to do this – please edit your question to include what you tried so we can help you with that. Does a solution need to key on the string Date or could you just print the first 3 lines or the lines before the first empty line or something else?


  • 2

    Do you want to specifically only remove lines after a line contiaining Date: or do you want to print git show a commit without the commit message and file changes? Are you asking XY question? Did you read man git show? In particular there is git show --format=.


  • I think the question explains very clearly what is wanted, with example input and output.


You can do this in Awk. This will print all lines, and if the line starts with Date: the script will exit after printing.

git show --name-only | awk '{print} ; /^Date:/ { exit }'

Or Sed (quit when line matches):

git show --name-only | sed '/^Date:/q'

Or if you want to explicitly specify a number of lines:

git show --name-only | awk '{print} ; NR==3 { exit }'
git show --name-only | head -n 3

You can easily do this with only Git by providing the format with which the commit should be printed.

git show -s --pretty='commit %H%d%nAuthor: %aN <%aE>%nDate:   %ad'
  • %H the commit hash
  • %d ref names like --decorate
  • %aN author name (respecting .mailmap)
  • %aE author email (respecting .mailmap)
  • %ad author date

See the PRETTY FORMATS section of git help log for a detailed explanation.

If you don’t want to use Git to control the output format, head -3 is usually a pretty simple way to get only the first three lines of any output.

git show --name-only --no-patch | grep -v '^   .*' | grep -v '^$'

--no-patch to remove file-change lines (stat). Inverted greps to remove empty and indented lines, which is the message part.

A bit overkill for git show but can also be used for git log.

Don’t forget the good old grep! Here I use regex to match and print lines starting with commit, Author:, and Date:.

git show --name-only | grep '^\(commit\|Author:\|Date:\)'

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