Package amsmath not found

I have an issue with the package amsmath on RStudio. I would like to write in latex on a RMarkdown document but I can’t knit my work because of this package. I don’t know why I don’t have it anymore because I used to use it.
I try to install it with install.packages("amsmath") and I have this in return :
Warning in install.packages : package ‘amsmath’ is not available for this version of R
RStudio is update, and when I search the package with available.packages() I don’t find it.
I really need this package because I will write all my report on RMarkdown.

Thank you !

  • 1

    amsmath is a LateX package. Install it within your distribution of LateX…


  • If you’re using tinytex in R, you could try installing with tlmgr_install().


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