Im trying to read the RSSI values of a connected BLE device using btmgmt rust library, and always getting 127
pub fn get_rssi(&self) -> Result<i8, Box<std::error::Error>> {
let btmgmt = btmgmt::BTMgmt::new()?;
let address = btmgmt::address::Address::from_string(
.ok_or("invalid address")?;
let ci = btmgmt.get_connection_info(u16::from(self.adapter_id), &address)?;
I know for sure that the device is connected, and had services resolved, here’s bluetoothctl
Device DA:A4:58:46:AE:9F (random)
Name: Device_name
Alias: Device_name
Paired: no
Trusted: yes
Blocked: no
Connected: yes #<------------------------------- Connecter yey 🙂
LegacyPairing: no
UUID: Vendor specific (********-****-****-****-************)
UUID: Generic Access Profile (00001800-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
UUID: Generic Attribute Profile (00001801-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb)
RSSI: -33 #<------------------------------------ We even have RSSI here.
I’ve tryied to call btmgmt using cli, yet it complains that the devices is not connected:
$ sudo btmgmt conn-info DA:A4:58:46:AE:9F
Get Conn Info for DA:A4:58:46:AE:9F (BR/EDR) failed. status 0x02 (Not Connected)
Just for sanity check, I’ve compared to my connected Bose QC3’s (Also BLE device) output:
$ sudo btmgmt conn-info 4C:87:5D:0C:B5:FC
Connection Information for 4C:87:5D:0C:B5:FC (BR/EDR)
RSSI 0 TX power -3 maximum TX power 12
- What am I missing?
- Why
cant get connection info, while it seems everything is resolved as expected by the output ofbluetoothctl
Bluez – 5.53
Kernel – 5.15.0-83-generic