How to install Undotree in NvChad?

I am learning to use NeoVim and have started with the NvChad base configuration and have setup a basic python LSP in it.

I recently saw a video where a person was using a plugin called UndoTree and wanted to install it in my setup, but I cannot seem to install it.

Here is my plugins.lua file which contains all the plugins for the lazy.nvim package manager

local plugins = {
    opts = {
      ensure_installed = {
    config = function ()
      require "plugins.configs.lspconfig"
      require "custom.configs.lspconfig"
  -- Python Language Support
    ft = {"python"},
    opts = function ()
      return require "custom.configs.null-ls"
  -- Undo-Tree
    -- Added this plugin
      lazy = false,
      config = function ()
        return require "custom.configs.undotree"

return plugins

This is the custom configuration file I have written for the UndoTree Plugin

local undotree = require('undotree')

  float_diff = true,  -- using float window previews diff, set this `true` will disable layout option
  layout = "left_bottom", -- "left_bottom", "left_left_bottom"
  ignore_filetype = { 'Undotree', 'UndotreeDiff', 'qf', 'TelescopePrompt', 'spectre_panel', 'tsplayground' },
  window = {
    winblend = 30,
  keymaps = {
    ['j'] = "move_next",
    ['k'] = "move_prev",
    ['J'] = "move_change_next",
    ['K'] = "move_change_prev",
    ['<cr>'] = "action_enter",
    ['p'] = "enter_diffbuf",
    ['q'] = "quit",

This is the error message I am getting after starting nvim

enter image description here

This is my :Lazy profile output

enter image description here

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