I need to rotate the bmp file exactly 180 degrees.(if possible, do not change anything except the RotateImage function.
At the moment, from this picture:
I get this:
What is the problem and how to fix it?
void RotateImage(tagRGBQUAD* RGB, int biSize, FILE* f) {
int width = 404; // Image width
int height = 404; // Image height
fseek(f, 1078, SEEK_SET); // Offset of bitmap data from the header in bytes
// Create a temporary array to store the pixels
tagRGBQUAD* temp = new tagRGBQUAD[width * height];
// Read the image pixels into the temporary array
fread(temp, sizeof(tagRGBQUAD), width * height, f);
// Rotate the image 180 degrees without distortion
for (int y = 0; y < height / 2; y++) {
for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
int index1 = (y * width + x);
int index2 = ((height - 1) - y) * width + x;
// Swap pixels
tagRGBQUAD tempPixel = temp[index1];
temp[index1] = temp[index2];
temp[index2] = tempPixel;
// Write the modified pixels back to the file
fseek(f, 1078, SEEK_SET);
fwrite(temp, sizeof(tagRGBQUAD), width * height, f);
delete[] temp;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
BitMapHeader header;
tagRGBQUAD RGBQuad[256];
FILE* fb;
char filename[] = "sqw.bmp";
int i;
if (!(fb = fopen(filename, "r+b"))) { printf("file not open"); return 1; }
header = ReadHeader(fb);
RotateImage(RGBQuad, header.biSize + 14, fb);
return 0;
(most of the code had to be trimmed so that stackoverflow would not give an error)
Nitpick: You need to rotate the image by 180 degrees, not the file. The
file has a specific order and rotating the file by 180 degrees will mess up the data format.Can you post plain text code with minimal `\` characters. Most of them are in invalid locations and must be removed before successful compilation.
The input image is 367×368, not 404×404. More generally, you are hard-coding a bunch of magic numbers in
; it seems those numbers don’t actually match the contents of the test .bmp file.@ThomasMatthews: Back in the days of actual hard drives, my files rotated a lot more than 180 degrees, with no damage at all. 🙂
I highly recommend using an image library. See Software Recommendations.
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