Register assembly types as self and as specific interface

I’m trying to register types as self and as one interface.
When I add As<ICustomScreenDef> I cannot access concrete types any more. However if I use AsImplementedInterfaces() accessing concrete type works again.

public class ScreenDef : IScreenDef {}
public class MyScreen : ScreenDef, ICustomScreenDef {}
public class ScreenGroup 
   public ScreenGroup(MyScreen myScreen, IEnumerable<ICustomScreenDef> customScreenDefs){}


        OnActivating(e => {
            IScreenDef screenDef = ((IScreenDef)e.Instance);
            e => {

With this code ScreenGroup can’t be instantiated because myScreen is missing.
If I change
AsSelf().As<ICustomScreenDef>() to AsSelf().AsImplementedInterfaces()
everything works. How can I make this work without using AsImplementedInterfaces()?

I hope example captures potential problem since I simplified it.

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